Accepted patents
7 Accepted patentsobtained during the
last 10 years
Indexed publications
321 Indexed publicationsobtained during the
last 10 years
Internal collaborations
- 54 Co-publications Nº of co-publications
in last 10 years - Co-supervised postdoc Nº of co-supervised post-docs in the last 5 years
- 2 Co-supervised thesis Nº of co-supervised
thesis in last 5 years - 7 Joint project underway Nº of currently
ongoing projects - 8 Joint projects in the past Nº of projects in last 5 years, that already finished
- 7 Same nat or internal network Nº of collaboration networks in last 10 years
The BioNanoPlasmonics Laboratory has been at the forefront of the Colloidal Plasmonic Nanoparticles area during more than 20 years, making key contributions and opening new horizons in this area.
The main topics underlying the current interest in this field are the following:
i) Control over metal nanoparticles morphology and tuning their optical response
ii) Tailoring nanoparticles’ surface chemistry through capping ligand exchange and inorganic coatings
iii) Self-assembly of colloidal nanoparticles into well-defined nanoparticle assemblies in two and three dimensions
iv) Application of the optical (plasmonic) response of the nanoparticles and their assemblies in the biomedical field.
By means of colloid chemistry techniques, the group is able to design several composite, multifunctional nanoparticle colloids, combining e.g. optical and magnetic properties within single particles or nanoparticle assemblies.
One of the current central topics of the group is the development of platforms that can be used for ultrasensitive detection based on SERS.
Main researcher
Other researchers
- Isabel García (Permanent researcher)
- Malou Henriksen-Lacey (Permanent researcher)
- Dorleta Jimenez de Aberasturi (Other)
- Clara García-Astrain (Postdoctoral)
- Xiaolu Zhuo (Postdoctoral)
- Javier Plou (Predoctoral)
- Vished Kumar (Predoctoral)
- Christian Vila (Predoctoral)
- Elisa Lenzi (Predoctoral)
- Mathias Charconnet (Predoctoral)
- Oscar Ferreira Silvestre (Other)
- Ada Herrero Ruiz (Other)
- Carlos Renero Lecuna (Postdoctoral)
- Jhoan Toro-Mendoza (Postdoctoral)
- David Vila Liarte (Predoctoral)
- Cristina de la Encarnación Bermúdez (Predoctoral)
Contact information
Paseo de Miramón 182 Donostia - San Sebastián 20014 Gipuzkoa
Research center

BioNanoPlasmonics Laboratory team